Audit and Consultancy
CQIMC is a consultancy firm, which provides training and consultancy to companies on Management System onĀ :
Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2015)
Enviornment Managment Service (ISO 14001:2015)
IT Service Management System (ISO 20000-1:2018)
Information Security Management System (ISO 27001:2013)
Buiness Continuity Mangement Services (ISO 22301:2012)
Energy Management System (ISO 50001:2018)
Occupational Health & Safety Management System(ISO 45001:2018)
Automotive Spice standard
Our Consultants are qualified professionals having vast experience of implementation of ISO in the manufacturing and the service sector as well as in the IT Industry. We have achieved this by working on fundamentals of ISO and addressing the core issues of the system. We help the concerned Management to document a system on lines of the requirements of the Standards, which when implemented helps to achieve consistency and improved quality, thus enabling greater Customer satisfaction.